Femmes Leaders

As the president of the California chapter of Femmes Leaders d’Amerique, it was my pleasure to attend this year’s “International Economic Congress” in April 2008. It was an honor to be a featured speaker. In my speech titled “Building Bridges Between Nations” I was able to show the positive contributions Americans are making to Mexico and Mexicans making to the United States. Here is a little more information about the group I am so proud to be part of:  


There are many associations for women, but most of them are specific to particular interest groups. None of them aims to bring all women together as do the founder members of “Femmes Leaders”. All women, whatever their age, their social situation or their socio-professional skills, have a valuable contribution to make to society.

The Goals

  • To bring women to think about their feminine identity in terms of it’s complementarity with that of men and not in terms of an unproductive rivalry with them.
  • To put in place programs to promote and develop the abilities of women, to help them to progress in order to take up their position in the society in accordance with the complementary identities of men and women.
  • To build up a network of relationships.

The Three Pillars

  • Complementarity between the values of men and women, not equality.
  • Sharing experiences: we can learn from the experience of others.
  • Setting up a network of influence, of power and of decision making.

For more information, visit

Mexico Femmes: http://www.femmesleadersdamerique.com/
International Femmes: http://www.femmesleaders.com/frame_default.html
Fundacion Sophia: http://www.fundacionsophia.com/
World Future Society: http://www.wfs.org/

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